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How do Keep Your Friendships Alive and give Music Boxes to girls on valentine's day?

Friendship is a Music Boxes for girls kind of tie that needs to be nurtured over time through time, effort, and care. The following suggestions can help you keep and grow your friendship:


Frequent contact is essential to maintaining your friendship and for that, you can always use social media, phone calls, or text messaging to stay in touch with your buddies. Staying in touch with them really keeps you in the loop of your friends’ lives and can have a greater chance to be there for them. Communication can also be maintained by spending meaningful time with your friends to make a whole lot of memories. By planning mini get-togethers or once-in-a-month enjoyable activities together, you can relax for a while and just have fun with them.

Apart from frequent contact, it’s also really crucial to reassure your friends about their importance in your life, from time to time. Putting in small efforts and showing meaningful gestures can also remind them about the bond you both share, which can act as a convenient way to communicate your love and feelings for them.

Support & Respect

Being there for your friends, especially in their time of need is like the unsaid rule of friendship. Hence, encouraging your friends in every stage of their life and cheering for their accomplishments is a good way to show how much they mean to you. So when they require a listener, be there for them and lend a sympathetic ear, for them to trust you and rant out their problems and frustrations.

Apart from supporting each other, respect for each other’s personal space, viewpoints, and emotions also lies at the top of the pyramid. Every friendship must steer clear of rumors without any compromise of their trust. This is one essential way to build a good understanding and an unbreakable bond with your friends.


We all make mistakes because nobody is flawless. Trying to forgive your friend if they wounded you in any way is a good way to help you move on and not let this mistake get in between your friendship with them. The key takeaway is to not let rage grow or harbor resentment.

When you are familiar with someone well, you are aware of both their strengths and weaknesses. As a result, you not only know how to lift them up but also how to bring them low. When under pressure, we sometimes say or do things that are much more damaging to our closest relationships because they come from ourselves.

Hence, there is nothing wrong with apologizing after a mistake. Make sure the friend is aware that you are not trying to injure them and are just trying to improve the relationship you share with them. It’s important for each person to explain their side of the story, understand the other’s perspectives, and then decide if the friendship moving forward.

Be Honest

Friendships based on artificial love do not last long as superficial bonds like these eventually lose their essence. You must be honest with one another in order to have a strong friendship. Putting your ego aside and being open to healthy criticism, encourages your friends to be honest with you and enables them to communicate openly without any fear. It is the only way to feel more connected to them as maintaining an open line of communication also helps you avoid becoming cynical and exploding in anger at the wrong time.

Why do you need these traits?

Keeping yourself to these basic principles can help you grow as a person and increase your capacity to build deep friendships throughout your life. It should come as no surprise that those who give the most of themselves also tend to be the most liked. Consequently, maintaining a realistic yet sympathetic perspective on the world will inevitably broaden your own universe and draw others to you. All of these traits spread quickly because when you behave respectably, you inspire others to do the same jewelry box with music.

Important Attributes to Maintain a Loving Relationship

People from all walks of life make the decision to stay in unhappy relationships out of fear of being alone or because they don't rely on other people to make them happy. You can be whole without another person. In fact, you must learn to function as an individual before you can constructively contribute to or profit from a partnership. You must develop self-assurance and just recognize your worth. Hence, in order to do so, it's highly important that:

You are Happy: Your feelings and your thoughts can both be characterized as being happy. Do you feel content and joyful about your current situation in life? Before attempting to find happiness in anyone else, you must first find it within yourself. Because when you only look for satisfaction in others, there are many ways a relationship might go wrong since no relationship would help or make you happy if you are already miserable.

You are Independent: Relationships and daily life are greatly influenced by independence. Don't enter a relationship with the expectation that the other person would perform tasks for you or take care of demands that you can take care of on your own. You should pause and reevaluate your contribution to your well-being.

If you already feel happy and confident, then you are ready to have a romantic relationship with someone. Before you find the one, you might go on a few disastrous dates and possibly have a few bad relationships. But, once they arrive, the connection can be really a long-lasting one. There are certain attributes of maintaining a loving relationship which are:


Respect must be shown for each other by both parties in the relationship. You must appreciate their sentiments, ideas, and viewpoints and be supportive of their thoughts. It's a way of letting them know that you value them and are concerned about how they feel.


Finding someone who makes you smile and gives your heart the happiness it deserves is difficult. Once you've identified this person, do small things to show them how grateful you are. To express their appreciation for their partner, both parties in a relationship should take the initiative in tiny acts of kindness. It fosters a sense of worth and deservingness in the other person.


Setting expectations at the outset of any relationship is a good idea. Both people involved must show dedication for a relationship to be of high quality. The devotion extends to the relationship as well as to one another. You must make a commitment to give of yourself and make sure that whatever decision you make is always made with the relationship and your partner's best interests in mind.


A good connection is one that is kind, considerate, and affectionate. You want to make sure that your partner feels the kind of love you have for them, and you should feel the same way in return. A daily warm embrace, a passing kiss on the cheek, or holding hands while watching television are all examples of affection. The goal is to let your feelings and desires to make your partner feel loved come through in physical intimacy.


This one is simple but effective. To flourish, relationships require trust. The relationship won't work out if you have any doubts about your partner's affection or good intentions for a music jewelry box. You should trust your partner's word and assume that they will always act in your relationship's and your best interests.


Although every relationship is unique, they all ought to give each person a sense of worth, honor, and love. Don't let what you desire in a relationship be dictated by social media's portrayal of what love and relationships should be like. In the end, you should be in a relationship to make the person you're dating happy and to help you live your best life, not to please other people.

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